The Captain
The Captain is a classic pixel-art point-and-click adventure game set
in a Star Trek-like universe, which also features nail-biting turn-based
ship-to-ship combat. Given the tiny development team, this game is a
masterpiece! It has its flaws, but they are easily forgiven given how
overall fun and well-designed the game is.
- I enjoyed the Star Trek style of a multi-cultural spacefaring
civilization full of hope. The main character exemplifies this ideal
nicely. Real world events are pretty grim nowadays, and it's nice to
take part in a story with some hope for the future. Like the Doctor, the
Captain doesn't even carry a weapon!
- The away missions are generally very well done. The scenarios are
creative, interesting, and original! There are several missions I was
able to replay and get an ending that I thought was ideal. It's really
fun how at specific inflection points you can go in a different
direction and get a completely different ending!
- The game is designed for (some) replayability, so you can try out
different solutions to the problems presented. It is possible to skip
missions if you're willing to take the same ending you've already
achieved. You can also skip cut-scenes.
- The combat is turn-based strategy with no random element at all. It
is very tense for most of the game, quite challenging, and fun!
- The idea that an entire war can be won by one person or
technological item is absurd. I think the writer could have tried
harder to come up with a plot that, while it might have been less epic,
would have been more believable.
- On the first away mission, I made a bad mistake that prompted me to
unnecessarily reload from a previous save point. The game is actually
designed to allow for different endings to each away mission, something
that I don't think the developers communicated very well to me before
the first mission. I found this quite frustrating at first.
- You can't save the game whenever you want, which leads to occasional
times when you need to replay sections of the game for no good
- You have a ship and crew, and yet you must handle away missions
- Repeat after me game developers: it is not possible to
transfer a person's mind (that away mission is pretty cool
- As is pretty much true of all point-and-click adventure
games, it's good to have a walkthrough handy to avoid unnecessary
frustration. While most missions are pretty straightforward, it's not
always possible to guess what the designer was thinking.
- When replaying the game, it is annoying that you cannot skip dialog
or won battles! As a result, I recommend you do a non-violent
playthrough your first time around, and do your serious run (including
combat) on your second playthrough. Otherwise, you're going to have to
do an awful lot of fighting twice...
- When viewing dialog and some cut-scenes, there is usually no visual
indicator that you need to press a key to continue to the next
- You can build a special item called a Suppressor Beam Disruptor.
Using this item causes the game to freeze in the combat screen. This
happened to me twice (during two different playthroughs), and both times
I had to re-load and try again. It always worked on the second try, at