Defense Grid: The Awakening
A birds-eye-view real-time tower defense game. I spent an enjoyable
10 hours or so playing (poorly).
- Very intense, nail-biting gameplay!
- Surprisingly deep strategy derived from very simple principles (like
the line of sight of guns, or the enemy path-finding around towers)
- There seem to be lots of special game modes, and extra non-story
missions, for completionists (caveat: I didn't try
any of them)
- There's technically a story. I'm not sure it makes any
sense. Attacking aliens need to march across your indestructible
walkways, and get attacked by your indestructible guns, only to arrive
at a convenient fueling station full of your precious power cores. Why
didn't you cover the power cores with the same indestructible material
you use for the guns and walkways?
- I found it difficult to come up with winning strategies because
there is a large lag between making a strategic choice and seeing the
result. Although, I could usually muddle my way through after a few
- Nothing! I found no bugs or glitches in this game.