A 3rd person birds-eye view game of walking around fetching materials
so you can build stuff, so you can fetch more and better materials to
build better stuff to fetch more and better materials... well, you get
the idea. Sometimes you gather materials from static positions, and
sometimes it's from monsters' cooling corpses.
- You can play co-op with a friend.
- The dialog is pretty funny.
- It was fun for a few hours!
- This game got really tedious after a few hours.
- The quests are very simple fetch quests. Get
of this
or Y
of that. Plant a sign there. They clearly go on
forever as you receive a new quest the moment you finish the old
- You have to hit monsters all day long to kill them, dodging their
attacks the whole time. This is even more tedious that walking
everywhere trying to find materials to harvest.
- The boss monsters aren't more interesting to fight, they just take
longer. Much longer...
- The quests are not always very clear.
- E.g. you have to plant a flag in a very particular spot for
it to achieve the mission objective, but when you return to the NPC they
just refuse to accept that you succeeded and won't clarify what you've
done wrong.
- E.g. you get told to go to a place but it doesn't appear on
your map. You have to zoom out to be able to see the destination, but
this is not obvious to a beginner.