Borderlands 3
Borderlands 3 is a 3D first-person shooter-looter where you (and up
to 3 friends) progress in a mostly linear science-fiction story, kill
enemies with guns, and loot the bodies for better guns.
- This is probably the best installment in the series yet. It has an
overall engaging story, fun characters, well-balanced fighting that
stays fun throughout, and a good variety of enemies and weapons.
- The story is pretty funny and ridiculous. It's a great parody of
modern social media influencer culture. There is a decent plot twist at
the end.
- The mission featuring the real voices and likenesses of Penn &
Teller, and lampooning the Burning Man festival, is particularly well
- If you have a capable graphics card, Borderlands's signature
cell-shading art style is still super gorgeous. The environments are
prettier than ever.
- Orange items, the best item type, which has some kind of unique
special ability, are much more common, which is more fun to be
- The plot, while overall fun and funny, involves your opponents being
omniscient and knowing everything you are doing and planning. It feels a
bit frustrating at times to have the bad guys outplay you constantly
with knowledge they couldn't possibly have.
- The are several important cutscenes that involve the NPCs doing
major things, but where your characters are apparently sitting around
powerless with their thumbs occupied.
- Make sure you have the subtitles on! It can be hard to follow the
plot sometimes when people are talking while bullets and explosions are
flying everywhere!
- We did encounter some annoying bugs three or four times. Mission
objectives would fail to complete, usually after fighting our way
through a really long level. It wasn't a show-stopper, but we had to
reload the game and start the mission from the beginning again.
- A lot of the macguffins you search for through the entire game lead
up to building a magic bridge across a chasm... a chasm that you could
have easily crossed using routinely available vehicles depicted many
times in the story... I'm not sure if this was tongue-in-cheek or an